Schedule 2022
3:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Opening Dinner & Awards
6:00 PM -
7:45 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Distance Administration of Distance Staff
Thomas J. Tobin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Federal Reserve Room
Constructing, Facilitating and Assessing a growth Mindset Supportive Learning Context
Aimee Berger, The University System of Georgia
Aldrich Room
Community Building & Connections in a World with Cameras Off and Mute Buttons On
Nicole Baldassarre, InSpace
Morgan Mezzanine Room
Investigating Administrative Roles in Supporting Online Programs
Yvonne Earnshaw, Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, Stephanie Cocoran, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Managing a Diverse Instructional Design Team
Charlene Hu, University of Central Florida
Crane Library
FISHBOWL: Centralizing Resources to Expand Reach and Opportunity for STEM Education
Paul Wagner, University of Arizona
Crane Dining Room
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:30 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM -
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
The Implementation of Common Course Templates and Concourse Syllabi
Dominique Hines, Albany State University
Federal Reserve Room
Creating Customized Online Programs to Meet Students Career Goals
Michele Riley, Russell Fail, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room
Roomers and Zoomers – How To Test Both
Mac Adkins, Smarter Services
Ballroom B
Striving for Excellence: Cultural Awareness in Online Learning
Alison Binger, Dorothy Hassan, University of the People
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Help! The LMS Went Down During Finals!
Lisa McNeal, College of Coastal Georgia
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: Empowering The Firestarters
Tracy Appling, North Carolina State University Bethanne Winzeler, North Carolina State University
Crane Library
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Comprehensive Credit for Prior Learning Efforts in an Online Environment
Sarah Kuck, USG eCampus & Albany State University
Federal Reserve Room
The Challenges of Emergency Online Instruction at a Small HBCU
Janice Hawes, South Carolina State University
Aldrich Room
Riding the Waves of eLearning Innovation
Sandy “Beach” Mills and Marc “Surf’s Up” Hugentobler, AliveTek
Ballroom B
Notion for Doctoral Studies: Thinking and Collaborating with Stakeholders Virtually
Bryce Platt Kayanuma, Glen Homes, Virginia Tech
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Captivating the Students behind the Screen
LaShica Waters, Tracy Appling, North Carolina State University
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: Online Microcredentialing as a Pathway to Career Readiness
Marty Davis, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
FISHBOWL: Mentoring online Doctoral Students
Mark Melisa, University of West Florida
Crane Library
Lunch and Table Topics
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
Institutional Management of digital course quality using workflow automation
Anissa Lokey-Vega, Amy Jones, Kennesaw State University
Federal Reserve Room
How Pandemic Remote Work Affected Academic Continuity At Community Colleges
Elizabeth Muckensturm, Coastal Carolina University Diane Chapman, North Carolina State University
Aldrich Room
USG eCampus & A Partnership for Online Student Success
Karen Murphree, & Brett Miles, USG eCampus
Ballroom B
Equity and Success: Maker-Centered PD for Teachers in Rural Areas
Li Cao, Ye Chen, University of West Georgia
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: How Do We Improve Administration for Adjunct Instructors?
Linda J. Smith, Florida State University
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: Engagement, Stronger Communities in the Classroom
James D. Halbert, Donna DiMatteo-Gibson, and Michelle Dennis, Alder University
Crane Library
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Assessing the Effectiveness of Online Course Development Teams
Anthony Piña, Illinois State University Peggy Muller, Sullivan University
Federal Reserve Room
Using Feedforward to Improve the Course Redesign-Relaunch Process
Dan A. Keast, The University of Texas Permian Basin
Aldrich Room
The Secret Sauce: Key ingredients to providing superb student support and faculty assistance in online courses without breaking the budget
Harriet E. Watkins, Instructional Connection, LLC
Ballroom B
Toward an Invitational Andragogy: Articulating A teaching Philosophy for the Andragogic classroom
Stephanie Wideman, University of Indianapolis
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Tailoring Effective Online Training for Your Institution
Ann Palazzo, Nick Silberg, Columbus State Community College
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: The Journey of Shadow, Shade & Light: Implementing ePortfolio Assessment for Visual & Performing Arts
Nancy Linden, Savannah State University
Crane Library
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM -
5:45 PM
8:00 AM -
3:00 PM
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
How to grow on online program from a few courses to 250 fully developed online courses and 230 fully trained faculty
Lilia Juele, Rockland Community College
Federal Reserve Room
How Distance Education can Catalyze Innovation in Cyber/STEM education
Paul Wagner, Kimberly Hanes, University of Arizona
Aldrich Room
Increasing Student Engagement and Student Success with the University System of Georgia
Elias Ferdoussi, Salesforce & Myk Garn, USG
Ballroom B
Leveraging the Assets of an Online Campus During the Pandemic
Carlos R. Morales, Tarrant County College-TCC Connect Campus
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Solutions to Barriers to Online Learning Adoption
Daniel Mainwaring and Kathryn Rush, University of Florida
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: Challenges to CRT: Public Policy’s Impact on Higher Education
Nicole LaGrow, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Crane Library
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM -
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Planning for the Future: Learning from the Past
Linda J. Smith, Florida State University
Federal Reserve Room
Helping instructors support students independent of grading and providing feedback
Jodi L. Robison, Joel Galbraith, Chad McLane, BYU-Idaho
Aldrich Room
Elements for Successful Courses in the Digital Age
Sydney Smith, Hawkes Learning
Ballroom B
Exploring Admission Requirements in a Community College Radiography Program
Angela Thomas, Michelle E. Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Digital Learning Communities: Developing Learning Communities for Online Learners
Jackie Slaton, Chad Marchong, Georgia State University
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: Faculty Advising
Brian Freeland, American Public University
Crane Library
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Toward A System Thinking Approach to Enhance Distance Program Evaluation
Barbara Lockee, Bryce Platt Kayanuma, Rebecca Clark-Stallkamp, Nikita Reis, Glen Homes, Virginia Tech
Federal Reserve Room
Faculty office hours: Increasing Availability and Responsiveness Through flexibility
Maryann Lamer, Dana Gray, Robert Lamer, Purdue University
Aldrich Room
Online Course Discussions Your Students & Instructors Will Love
Alan Manley, Harmonize/42 Lines
Ballroom B
Hope for Leading with Love in Distance Learning Pandemic Times
Lisa Miller, American Military University
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Easing the Shift: managing Change and Growth with Syllabus Management
Whitney Brand, University of West Georgia
Crane Dining Room
FISHBOWL: Adult and Distance Learning in Pandemic- What Happens Next?
Adrian Zappala, Peirce College
Crane Library
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
From Dark Age to Digital Age: Program Development and Revitalization
Lisa Shappee, Kirsten Zoller, Kansas State University Salina
Federal Reserve Room
Survival of the Fittest: Distance Learning Leadership Cross Culturally
Lisa Miller, American Military University
Aldrich Room
Don’t Lose Your Cool! You Can Create an Accessibility Plan During a Pandemic
Brett Perlman & Tim Henningsen, Blackboard & Lisa McNeal, College of Coastal Georgia
Ballroom B
Course Design for Minimizing Student Attrition
Patricia L. Angulo, Laura Gray, St. Mary’s University
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Enhancing Agency & Authoritative Learning in the Online Classroom
Laura Caramanica, Mandi Campbell, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
FISHBOWL: Five Key Areas of Growth:Online Student Success Services
Merciaileen Rivera Almodovar, University of North Georgia
Crane Dining Room
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Orienting New Faculty at a Distance
Diane D Chapman, NC State University
Federal Reserve Room
Institution-Wide Decision Making for Online Course Development
Anthony A. Piña, Illinois State University
Aldrich Room
I Know What’s On the Syllabus (Because I Read It)
Will Folden, Concourse Syllabus
Ballroom B
Herding SMEs to Develop Interdisciplinary Content
Louise Fechter, Dorea Hardy, eCampus at University of West Georgia
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Mentoring: Imperative for Faculty and Student Development
Sarah Kuck, USG eCampus & Albany State University, Pamela Brown, Albany State University
Crane Library
FISHBOWL: Better Metacognition-Better Understanding-Better Grades
Philip Reaves, Samantha White, and Lantz Ferrell, University of West Georgia
Crane Dining Room
Putt Putt Networking
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM
Crane Dinner & Music
7:00 PM -
9:00 PM
8:00 AM -
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Community College Faculty Viewpoints of Pandemic Emergency Remote Teaching
Michelle E. Bartlett, Karmen Cooper, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room
Faculty Coaching to Supports Online Students
Bridget Rivera, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room
STLR: Capturing, Assessing, and Showcasing Work-Ready Qualities Using Virtual Tools
Camille Farrell, University of Central Oklahoma
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Compassion Fatigue: An Unexpected Consequence for Adjunct Faculty During Covid
Patricia L. Angulo, St. Mary’s University, Laura E. Gray, College of Western Idaho
Crane Library
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Successfully Transitioning your Corporate New Hire into Higher Education Culture
Bethany Buck, Fort Valley State University
Federal Reserve Room
FLOC: A micro-credential series for online teaching certification
David Babb, Ervin Howard, University of North Georgia
Aldrich Room
The Digital Class Syllabus: Brightspace D2L + Simple Syllabus Better Together
Gina Monaghan, Simple Syllabus
Ballroom B
Interactive Videos: Student Perceptions Before and After the Great Pivot
Vincent King-Spezzo, Tatiana Rudchenko, Georgia Institute of Technology
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: Connecting Teaching, research, and Service: a SoTL Workshop Model
Michelle Bartlett, Carroll Warren, & Suzanne Ehrlich, Belk Center, North Carolina State University
Crane Library
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Course Development: focusing on quality not quantity with Online
Amanda Glover, Fort Valley State University
Federal Reserve Room
Determining the Efficacy of Immediate Feedback Delivered to Online Students
Glen A. Holmes, Virginia Tech, Abbot L.Packard, Stacey Rowland, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room
For-Profit Online Performance Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jason Caudill, King University
Morgan Mezzanine Room
FISHBOWL: From Recruitment to Graduation: Supplemental Services to Impact Distance Student Success.
Kendall McCamy & Katie Taylor, USG eCampus
Crane Library
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Integrating Experiences: Helping Students Unpack Powerful Learning Moments
Camille Farrell, University of Central Oklahoma
Federal Reserve Room
Shifting Towards Equity-Based Admissions to Graduate Distance Education programs
Carrol Warren, Michelle Bartlett, James Bartlett II, North Carolina State University
Aldrich Room
How Online Orientation Models Inclusivity for Distance Learners
Sharon A. Shannon, Sam Swingle, The University of Georgia
Morgan Mezzanine Room
Closing Lunch & Keynote
Past Keynotes
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM