Call for Proposals
The DLA Conference specifically addresses the needs of those who plan, manage, and support distance education activities. The conference invites proposals from the introductory through an advanced level of topics related to:

There are two types of workshops
Your submission indicates your commitment to preparing a written paper for the Proceedings and making your presentation (Paper Session) during the conference at a time and place assigned by the Conference Committee. Paper Sessions will last 45 minutes each, with at least 15 minutes allowed for interactivity and discussion, but other formats may be utilized. You may submit more than one proposal.
Your submission indicates your commitment to developing engaging questions and facilitating a discussion on your chosen topic. Your responsibilities are to:
- provide a 50-word overview of the topic (which we will post to the conference website)
- frame the opening of the conversation (this should take you about 10 minutes)
- keep the conversation from getting too far off track (but don’t really moderate)
The FishBowl works as follows: You will provide a brief presentation (about 10 minutes) followed by prepared questions for audience discussion. These sessions last for 45 minutes.
Evaluation of Proposals
Proposals will be evaluated by the Conference Committee for relevancy to the field of distance learning administration; clarity; and usefulness of topic. Acceptance notices and instructions for submitting final papers will be sent by February 7, 2025.
Publication & Awards
Papers developed from accepted abstracts will be published in the printed conference proceedings, to be distributed to all paid attendees, and sold to others. All presented papers will be considered for Best Paper Awards within several categories. Award winning papers will be invited for publication in The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, and will also receive a certificate.
Conference Fee
Presenters must register by March 31, 2025. The conference fee for all presenters will be $475. This includes all conference activities and several meals.