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Schedule 2021

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Opening Dinner & Awards
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Striving for Excellence During a Pandemic

Celine S. Hall & Nikki Williams, Purdue Global
Federal Reserve Room

Upgrade Your Online Discussions, Q&A, & Chat with Harmonize

Alan Manley and Ramelle Riley, 42 Lines / Harmonize
Aldrich Room

Supporting Adult Learners Through Alternative Learning Opportunities

Michele Riley, Jody DeKorte, & Kathy Ingram, Purdue Global
Ballroom A

Copyright in the COVID Era

Howard Carrier, James Madison University
Ballroom B

The Online Administrator's How-To Guide for Micro-Credential Programs

Thomas Tobin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Crane Library

"But I Hate Group Work!": Supporting Student Growth Through Group Work Online

Mary F. McGinnis, College of Coastal Georgia
Crane Dining Room
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Effectiveness of a Virtual Option for a Limited-Residency Online Doctoral Program

Todd Fiore, St. Thomas University, Melanie Shaw, Northcentral University
Federal Reserve Room

Privacy, Bias, Security & Other Concerns with Virtual Proctoring

Mac Adkins, SmarterServices
Aldrich Room

All On Board: A Facilitated Onboarding Program as a Retention Intervention for Online Learners

Patricia Milner & Mary Thompson Price, University of Arkansas
Ballroom A

Enabling Both Choice and Consistent Learning Outcomes in Distance Education

Thomas Keefe, Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design, Christopher Berg, Walden University
Ballroom B

Finding Balance: Strategies for Ensuring Supportive Communication in Online Learning

Bonnie Mullinix, Walden University
Crane Library

Pandemic Live Action: Showing Up Confidently On Camera in 2021 and Beyond

Mia B. Fanning, USG eCampus & University of West Georgia
Crane Dining Room
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Virtual High Impact Practices

Sarah Kuck, USG eCampus, Jon Sizemore, University System of Georgia
Federal Reserve Room

Creative Approaches for Inspiring Today’s Learners

Sandy Mills-Alford and Nicole Gilbert, Alive Tek, Inc
Aldrich Room

Assessing Faculty Leadership of Online Programs in Tenure and Promotion

Rebecca Hoey & Fawn McCracken, Northwestern College
Ballroom A

Instructor Communication, or Academic Coaching, to Facilitate Student Engagement

Tracia Forman, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Ballroom B

Evaluating Post 2020 and Best Ideas, Services, Technology and Training

Melanie Jackson, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Crane Library

Finding Best Practices for How We Use Digital Learning Materials

Linda Smith, Florida State University
Crane Dining Room
Lunch and Table Topics
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Keeping Up With the Competition: Marketing Your Online Program

Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif & Yvonne Earnshaw, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Federal Reserve Room

The Student Experience Reimagined in the LMS - socialized, engaged, data driven

Christopher Downs, Douglas Grooms, Canvas- Instructure
Aldrich Room

Implementing a Proctoring Service for Online Exams

Amanda Glover, Fort Valley State University
Ballroom A

In a Time of Covid: Extemporaneous Distance Education's DEI Implications

Michael Hester, Ashley Lewis, & Essence Collins, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B

Welcome to 2020: How Non-Credit Programs Adapted to Online Learning

Marty Davis, University of West Georgia
Crane Library

What Now? Faculty Development in Uncertain Times

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue Global
Crane Dining Room
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

What Does Copyright Mean for Online Teachers and Students Today?

Linda Smith, Florida State University
Federal Reserve Room

Providing Solutions with Embedded Academic Coaches: Support for Both Faculty & Students!

Harriet Watkins, Instructional Connections
Aldrich Room

Online and Face-to-Face Communication; What’s the Difference, and Why it Matters

David McCurry, Jacaranda Education
Ballroom A

2020 Revisited: Guiding Faculty and Students Through Seismic Change

Teresa Marie Kelly & Barbara Green, Purdue Global
Ballroom B

Twenty Cost-Effective Ways to Market Distance Programs

Carrol Warren, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Multi-Faceted Training for Distance Learning Instructors and Course Designers

Stephanie Wilsey, Portage Learning
Crane Dining Room
Putt Putt Networking
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Transitional Leadership

David Jenks, Middle Georgia State University
Federal Reserve Room

If You Build It, They Will Come: Two Approaches to Supporting Students

Lisa McNeal & Jennifer Gray, College of Coastal Georgia
Ballroom A

The Role of Spiritual Practices in the Emotional Health of Online Faculty

John Johnson, Indiana Wesleyan and Hanna Sanko, CSU Global
Ballroom B

Solving Gender and Racial Equity with Experiential Learning and AI

Sheffie Robinson, Shamrck Education
Crane Library

What's in Your Wheelhouse: Providing Tools to Support Effective Instruction in Distance Learning

Amy Austin, USG eCampus & Niccole Hyatt, Franklin University
Crane Dining Room
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Differentiated Instruction Techniques to Reach Everyone Online

Crystal Neumann & Marc Aguilera, American College of Education
Federal Reserve Room

USG eCampus and A Partnership for Online Student Success

Jim Barnes, & Brett Miles, USG eCampus
Aldrich Room

Building Community Among Adjunct Professors

Beth René Roepnack, Lou Fechter, USG eCampus, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A

Diversity and Inclusion Issues in the New Zoom Nation

Russell Fail, Purdue University Global
Ballroom B

The Impact of Faculty Engagement on Student Persistence

Sara Sander & Miranda Brand, Purdue Global
Crane Library

How Do We Juggle Training, Supporting and Developing Online Faculty?

Bridget Rivera, Purdue Global
Crane Dining Room
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Increasing Instructor to Student Outreach by Disaggregating the Instructor Role in Online Learning

Jodi L. Robison, Brigham Young University
Federal Reserve Room

Virtual Courses Require Mastery-Based Solutions

Sydnee Smith, Hawkes Learning
Aldrich Room

Lessons Learned From Working Collaboratively Toward a Greater Good

Abbot Packard, University of West Georgia & Glen A Holmes, Virginia Tech
Ballroom A

The Lived Experiences of Dissertation Chairs and the Barriers to Completion While Obtaining Doctorates

John S. Johnson, Indiana Weslyan University & Melanie Shaw, Northcentral University
Ballroom B

Benefits and Challenges of Competency-Linked (Based) Education in Online Programs

Jessica L White & Michelle Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Next Directions for DLA Research

Jason Johnston, University of Kentucky
Crane Dining Room
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

A Digital Escape Room Whodunit About Accessible Online Course Content

Heather Wire, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Federal Reserve Room

Accessible Content is Better Content

Brett Perlman, Dan DePuy, Blackboard
Aldrich Room

Supporting Faculty in Online and Hybrid Teaching Beyond the Pandemic

Lisa Shappee, Kansas State University
Ballroom A

From Recruitment to Graduation: Supplemental Services to Impact Distance Student Success

Katie Taylor & Kendall McCamy, USG eCampus
Ballroom B

Triple the Students & Half the Faculty: Leveraging Resources to Manage Growth

Michelle Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

The Growth of Distance Education in the Caribbean Region

Joy Medley, Southern New Hampshire University
Crane Dining Room
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Behind the Screens: Creating Faculty Community in the Virtual World

Crystal Neumann, American College of Education
Federal Reserve Room

Understanding the Impact of Cultural Competency Courses in Remote Learning

Alison Binger & Dorothy Hassan, University of the People
Ballroom A

Designing Competency-Linked Courses for Critical Thinking and Workforce Readiness

Michelle E. Bartlett & Jessica White, North Carolina State University
Ballroom B

Overcoming Online Faculty Burnout

Leslie Johnson, Purdue University Global
Crane Library

Shifting the Paradigm: On-Campus to Online for a PhD Residency

Kevin Bottomley, Angie Fincannon, Indiana Tech
Crane Dining Room
Scavenger Hunt Networking
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Crane Dinner & Music
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Facilitating Active Engagement in an Online Asynchronous Biomedical Regulatory Sciences Program

Johnna Hodges, University of Georgia
Federal Reserve Room

Getting on the Same Page with Virtual Norming Sessions

Leslie Johnson & Barbara Green, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room

Improving Rubric Quality: A Faculty-Driven Process

Kathy Ingram & Celine Hall, Purdue University Global
Ballroom A

Challenges of Communication between Online Adjunct Faculty and Their Supervisors

Suzanne Minarcine, Mary Dereshiwsky, & Danielle Babb, American Public University System
Ballroom B
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

The Continuous Conscientious Growth of Online Faculty Development

Thor Blount, Anne Gaquere-Parker, & Christy Talley Smith, USG eCampus
Federal Reserve Room

How to Design Digital-Forward Courses

Myk Garn, University System of Georgia Board of Regents
Aldrich Room

UWG REACH: At-Risk Programs in the Time of COVID-19

Meggie Miller & Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A

Empathy Mapping as a Guide for Enhanced Distance Leadership

Michelle E. Bartlett & Suzanne Ehrlich, North Carolina State University
Ballroom B

Understanding and Utilizing Self-Care Strategies in the Virtual Work Environment

Diana Meeks, Chamberlain University
Crane Library
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Higher E-Learning: Guiding Values for Online Education

Jason Johnston, University of Kentucky
Aldrich Room

Creating Community: Providing Support for Online Learners

Yvonne Earnshaw & Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ballroom A

Improving Student Writing Competency Through Embedded Academic Writing Support

Theresa Greene, Pacific Oaks College
Ballroom B

Support for Distance Students: Using a Mentor Model

Donna DiMatteo-Gibson, Adler University
Crane Library
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Non-Traditional Online Transfer Students’ Expectations and Experiences with Student Services

LaShica Waters & Michelle E. Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room

Overcoming Data Collection Obstacles in a Distance Learning Program During a Pandemic

King Vicktorr Imani, Project the Standard, Kevin Bottomley, Indiana Tech
Ballroom A

The Process of Transitioning to an ePortfolio for Rank and Promotion

Diana Meeks, Chamberlain University
Ballroom B

"OK, Boomer..." Cross-generational Dialogue on Facilitating Distance Teaching and Learning

David McCurry, Jacaranda Education
Crane Library
Closing Lunch and Keynote
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM