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Schedule 2019

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Opening Dinner & Awards
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Breakfast & Keynote Speaker
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

Optimizing Faculty Onboarding Through Rapid Institutional Growth

Natalie Pelham, Crystal Neumann, American College of Education Jason Caudill, King University
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: eService Learning: Helping Online Students Impact the Community

Michelle Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Designing Recruitment Strategies to Advance Diversity in Distance Programs

Carrol Warren, North Carolina State University
Aldrich Room

Creation of an Online Certification Course: Lessons Learned

Amy Austin, Beth Rene Roepnack, USG eCampus
Ballroom A

Online Tutoring 2.0
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Refreshment Break
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Breaking the Textbook Cartel Results in Gains for Online Students

Christie Burton, Sheryne Southard, Bryan Labrecque, Elnora Farmer Clayton State University
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: Positive Psychological Skills for Distance Learning Leaders in Higher Education

Lisa Miller, American Military University
Crane Dining Room

FISHBOWL: Jumpstart Your Marketing ROI for Online & Distance Education Programs

Kay Zimmerman, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Bringing Faculty to Online Course Quality Standards

David McCurry, University of South Carolina Upstate
Aldrich Room

Student and Faculty Engagement in 3D Virtual Learning Environments

LauraAnn Migliore, Kevin Bottomley, University of Phoenix
Ballroom A

Who is Really Doing the Work in Your Online Courses?

Ballroom B
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Media on My Mind: Supporting Faculty Across the Instructional Mission

Stephen Bridges, University of Georgia
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: Role of Professional Development in Distance Education Recruitment

Michelle E. Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Crane Dining Room

Predictors of Online Doctoral Student Success

Scott Burrus, Melanie Shaw, Todd Fiore, University of the Rockies
Aldrich Room

Utilizing the AECT Instructional Design Standards for Distance Learning

Anthony Pina, Sullivan University
Ballroom A

Let Us Ignite Your Passion (For Interactive Learning)

Alive Tek, Inc
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Faculty Development: Integrating Online and Face-to-Face Development Centers

Rod McRae and David Jenks
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: Building the Plane Before You Fly It

Gwen Miller, David Setley, Lebanon Valley College
Crane Library

Course Review vs. Faculty Evaluation for Personal Continuous Improvement

Rebecca Berry, Alison Consol, Jessica Hatcher, Wake Technical Community College
Aldrich Room

Reduce Fear: Improving Confidence and Reducing Anxiety in Online Classrooms

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue University Global
Ballroom A

Engineering Achievements for First-Gen Students

Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Leveraging Institutional Data to Execute High Impact Online Courses and Programs

Lisa Sedlock, Steve Nodine, George Mason University
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: Differentiated Instruction Versus Differentiated Management: Academic Policies and Diverse Populations

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue University Global
Crane Dining Room

FISHBOWL: Let’s Get Real About Engagement

Jackie Krause, Central Washington University
Crane Library

Quest for Success: Empowering Online Students at CU Denver

Lynee Sanute, John E. Butt, University of Colorado Denver
Aldrich Room

Engaging Students Through Support Services!

Victoria Brown, Josh Strigle, Dana Willett, Florida Atlantic University
Ballroom A

Providing Solutions with Embedded Academic Coaches: Support for Both Faculty and Students!

Instructional Connections, LLC
Ballroom B
Putt Putt
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Cracker Barrel Roundtables
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Charting the Career Progression Path for Distance Learning Higher Education Leaders

Lisa Miller, American Military University
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: Avoiding Stale Courses: Approaching Online Teaching with a Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Carrol Warren, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Micro-Learning: Designing Instruction for Working Students

Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Crane Dining Room

Five-Year Trends in Distance Learning Enrollment by Institution Type

Jason Caudill, King University
Aldrich Room

Hidden in Plain Sight: Co-Requisite Instruction in Distance Learning Courses

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue University Global
Ballroom A

Designing Online Tutoring into Your Courses

Pearson Smarthinking
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

FISHBOWL: How Do We Know and Show? Assessing and Improving Operations

Anthony Pina, Sullivan University
Crane Dining Room

FISHBOWL: Exploring a South Carolina Consortium for Educational and Professional Development

David McCurry, University of South Carolina Upstate
Crane Library

Online Reflections: Moving Students from Basic Summaries towards Transformative Internalization

Camille Farrell, University of Central Oklahoma
Aldrich Room

Developing a Comprehensive Online Certificate Program for Faculty

Diane Chapman, Amy Neaves, North Carolina State University
Ballroom A

Affordable, Accessible, Adaptive: Knewton’s Alta

Ballroom B
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Faculty Experiences Within a Liaison Model of Instructional Design Support

Tyler Watts, Karen Franklin, April Pelt, Clemson University
Federal Reserve Room

The ‘Secret to Program Success Cookbook' A Recipe to Identify and Validate the RIGHT Online and DE Programs

FISHBOWL: Kay Zimmerman, North Carolina State University
Crane Dining Room

FISHBOWL: Non-Disposable Assignments in Online Graduate Education

Stephanie Stancil, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Student Expectations of Online Faculty Engagement: A Mixed-Methods Study

Christopher Berg, Melanie Shaw, Scott Burrus, Walden University
Aldrich Room

Engineering Online at a STEM University

Jennifer Veloff, Colorado School of Mines
Ballroom A

Acceleration, Intervention, & the Academic Mindset in Distance Learning

Hawkes Learning
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Community as a Sustaining Force - Strategies for Online Scholarly Support

Bonnie B. Mullinix, Michael Lees, Alison Binger, Walden University
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: How Do You Align Your Online Course Review Process?

Candice Rutherford, Clemson University
Crane Dining Room

FISHBOWL: Teaching and Marketing: When Faculty Serve Multiple Roles

Carrol Warren, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Student Transformative Learning Record (STLR): Displaying Student Success and Work-Readiness

Camille Farrell, University of Central Oklahoma
Aldrich Room

Mentoring Programs: Embedding Alumni Mentors In Online Courses

Linda J. Smith, University of Maryland University College
Ballroom A

Ally – Making Course Content More Accessible

Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Creative Strategies to Support Student Engagement While Expanding Resources

Carrol Warren, Michelle Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room

FISHBOWL: Non-Credit Online Programming: Trends and Challenges

Marty Davis, University of West Georgia
Crane Dining Room

FISHBOWL: Balancing Interpersonal Connection in Technology with Techno-Stress, Techno-Anxiety, and Techno-Fatigue

Erin Cotter, Melea Lemon, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Academic Advising and Online Doctoral Student Persistence from Coursework to Research

Todd D. Fiore, Melanie Shaw, Ashford University
Aldrich Room

Are Cognitive Differences to be Considered?

Abbot L Packard, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Riverside Dinner & Music
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Online Faculty Mentor: Developing Best Practices

Beth René Roepnack, USG eCampus
Federal Reserve Room

Preparing Faculty for EPIC Results: Online Faculty Certification and Assessment

Karen Fussell, Jacqueline Popp, Catherine Jordan, Wake Technical Community College
Aldrich Room

Partnering with Competitors: A Collaborative Approach

Karen Lingrell, USG eCampus
Crane Dining Room

Wide Open Voices: Experiences of OER Course Developers

Tina Parscal, Brittany Dudek, Colorado Community Colleges Online
Ballroom A
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Growth Focused Collaboration

Krista Allison, Elizabeth Johnson, Crystal Neumann, Imani Akin, American College of Education
Federal Reserve Room

The Lived Experience of International Online Doctoral Students

John Johnson, Melanie Shaw, Walden University

Bridging the Performance Gap: Factors that Impact Online Instruction

Sarah Kuck, Brett Miles, USG eCampus
Ballroom A

Artificial Intelligence - What is It and How Can it Help Administrators?

Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

EPIC Online Course Evaluation Tools

Alison Consol, Julie Evans, Wake Technical Community College
Federal Reserve Room

Using Smartsheet as a PM Tool for Online Program Management

Lisa Sedlock, Steve Nodine, George Mason University
Aldrich Room

Evaluating Past Successes and Future Improvements: Professional Development for Online Faculty and Student Success

Amin Asfari, Denise Barton, Wake Technical Community College
Ballroom A

Engaging Remote Distance Learning Administrators and Staff

Mia Fanning, USG eCampus
Ballroom B
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Faculty Recognition in Online Professional Development

Elizabeth Annette Johnson, Krista Allison, American College of Education
Federal Reserve Room

The A-Team: Harnessing the Adjunct Brain Trust Through Transformative Leadership

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room

Full-time From Afar

Rodger Bates, Clayton State University
Ballroom A

Proctored Exam Coordination for the Online Classroom: A Brainstorming Session

Meggie Miller, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B
Closing Lunch Panel Discussion
Past Keynotes
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM