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Schedule 2018

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Opening Dinner & Awards
6:00 PM - 7:45 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

The State of State Authorization and Professional Licensure

Lisa Sedlock and Steve Nodine, George Mason University
Federal Reserve Room

Towards a Common Data Set for Online Program Management

David McCurry, University of South Carolina Upstate
Aldrich Room

Next Steps in Developing Personal AI Technology for Online Learning (Fishbowl)

Carol Klempka, Concordia University, St. Paul
Crane Dining Room

Saying No to Best Practices (Fishbowl)

Nyasha Guramatunhu Cooper, Kennesaw State University
Crane Library

LMS Change Management Strategies Designed to Mitigate Student Attrition

LauraAnn Migliore, Scott Burrus, Gregory Bradley, and Melanie Shaw, University of the Rockies
Ballroom A

Fostering a Pathway to Credit for Prior Learning

Brett Miles and Sarah Kuck, USG eCampus
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

The Incremental Cost of Online Education: Identifying Operational Efficiencies

Tarrica Wiley, Kennesaw State University
Federal Reserve Room

Full-Time Adjuncts: Our New Normal

Leslie Johnson and Barbara Green, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room

Too Little, Too Much? Discussions about Online Faculty Preparation (Fishbowl)

David McCurry, University of South Carolina Upstate
Crane Dining Room

Striving for Career Excellence in Distance Learning Administration (Fishbowl)

Lisa Miller, American Military University
Crane Library

Academic Integrity in the Online Classroom

Jacob Bane, Ohio State University
Ballroom A

Fostering Academic Integrity is Like Losing Weight

Mac Adkins, SmarterServices
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Secret Boss Training: Get Everyone to Observe Online Courses

Thomas Tobin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Federal Reserve Room

The Sky Isn't Falling: Helping Faculty through Times of Change

Michael Keathley and Barbara Green, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room

Defining Our Ws: Distance Learning Training in the Next Decade (Fishbowl)

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue University Global
Crane Dining Room

Defining Our Ws: Distance Learning Training in the Next Decade (Fishbowl)

Anthony Pina, Sullivan University
Crane Library

Today's Online Students

Karen Rasmussen, University of West Florida
Ballroom A

Blend, Flip, Go: Designing A Technology Solution That Does It All

Tasha Brown and Rissa Karpoff, Aive Tek, Inc
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

A New Way to Identify and Validate the RIGHT Programs

Kay Zimmerman, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room

Supporting Success: Faculty Development for Online Learning

Jesse Bishop, Georgia Highlands College
Aldrich Room

Hacks for Online Teaching Excellence (Fishbowl)

Brian Freeland and Craig Bogar, American Public University System
Crane Dining Room

Digital Badging, Micro-Credentialing, & Employability Skills Vs. Traditional Academic Transcripts (Fishbowl)

Camille Farrell, University of Central Oklahoma
Crane Library

Data-Supported Evaluation Strategies for Online Programs

Jason Fields with Lou Pugliese (Arizona State University) and Greg Bradley (Veracity), LearningMate
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

The Skills and Leadership Characteristics of Online Higher Education Executives

Melanie Shaw and Karen Ferguson, Colorado State University Global Campus
Federal Reserve Room

Incorporating Powerful Integrations

David C. Dixon, Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College and Kate Senn, West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Aldrich Room

How Do You Create, Support, and Encourage Sustained Learning? (Fishbowl)

Keyonda Smith, Maryland University of Integrative Health
Crane Dining Room

How Do We Help Educators Get Educated? (Fishbowl)

Jason Caudill, King University
Crane Library

Integration of Competency-Based Education in an Online Graduate Course

Michelle Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Ballroom A

Scaling for Growth: Not Overwhelming Faculty While Meeting Student Enrollment Demands

Alexandra Forrester and John Forrester, Instructional Connections, LLC
Ballroom B
Putt Putt
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Cracker Barrel Roundtables
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Transitioning Classes to a Competency Based Education Model

Peg Hohensee and Leslie Johnson, Purdue University Global
Federal Reserve Room

The Learning Story: Are Your Adjunct Faculty Super Heroes?

Linda J. Smith, University of Maryland University College
Aldrich Room

Impact of Faculty Characteristics on Student Satisfaction

Brian Freeland, American Public University System
Crane Dining Room

It Starts with a Brand: Plan to Achieve a Career (Fishbowl)

Sher Downing, University of South Carolina Palmetto College
Crane Library

How Can I Recommend You If I Can’t Recognize You?

Becky Thorpe, Hazard Community & Technical College and Kate Senn, West Kentucky Community & Technical College
Ballroom A

Build, Launch, Learn, Improve, Repeat: Creating and Evolving an Adaptive Course to Improve Student Success

Ashley O’Connor with Chris Brown and Jeannie Grussendorf (Georgia State University), RealizeIt
Ballroom B
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

The Chief Online Education Officer

Georgianna Laws, Maryville University
Federal Reserve Room

eLearning Master You Will Become

Julie Evans and Adrianne A. Leinbach, Wake Technical Community College
Aldrich Room

The Revolving Door of Writing Across the Curriculum Leadership

Michael Keathley, Purdue University Global
Crane Dining Room

OER: Are You Creating, Exploring, Enhancing, or Adjusting Your Vision? (Fishbowl)

Peter J. Shapiro, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Crane Library

What is the Next Big Technology: Wading through EdTech Hype?

Richard A. Schilke, Texas A&M University-Central Texas
Ballroom A

Designing Online Tutoring into Your Courses

Lisa Yoder, Pearson Smarthinking
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

The True Cost of DE: IPEDS Analysis and Case Study

Lisa Sedlock and Steve Nodine, George Mason University
Federal Reserve Room

Empowering Faculty in an Increasingly Standardized Online Environment

Christie Nicholas and Erin Sutliff, University of South Florida
Aldrich Room

A Continuum of Excellence for Improving Quality Assurance Initiatives

Deborah Adair, Quality Matters
Crane Dining Room

Third Party Integrations: Where Does Our Responsibility Start and End? (FISHBOWL)

Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Crane Library

A Spoonful of Sugar: Engaging Online Students with Smore

Barbara Green, Purdue University Global
Ballroom A

Affordable, Accessible, Adaptive: Knewton's Alta

Doug Hughes, Knewton
Ballroom B
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Student Achievement & the Momentum Year: Changing Everything We Knew

Myk Garn and Jon Sizemore, University System of Georgia
Federal Reserve Room

CBE Readiness Assessment for Academic Departments

Alfreda Harper Harrison, University of North Carolina System
Aldrich Room

The Good, Bad, and Ugly: Lessons Learned in Changing LMSs

Richard A. Schilke, Texas A&M University-Central Texas
Crane Dining Room

Creating Engaging & Cost Effective Professional Development for DL Faculty (FISHBOWL)

Daniel Hoppe, Horry Georgetown Technical College
Crane Library

Hiring Top Talent for Online Learning Support Teams: Reimagined Processes

Mia Bennafield, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A

Bridging the Distance to Mastery

Emily Judy, Hawkes Learning
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Fulfilling LEAP Online: Lessons Learned

Beth René Roepnack, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room

Being Bezos or Gates: Business Leadership Lessons and Distance Learning

Teresa Marie Kelly, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room

Ring Bell for Service: Supporting Academic Partners Engaged in Distance

Mark A. Jimerson, Jr. and Valerie Tate, Mississippi State University
Crane Dining Room

Effective Ways to Offer Professional Development for Online Part-time Faculty (Fishbowl)

Michelle E Bartlett, North Carolina State University
Crane Library

Creating Online Community Tools promoting Choice, Voice and Connectivity

Bonnie B. Mullinix, Walden University
Ballroom A

Ally – Making Course Content More Accessible

Carey Smouse and Dan DePuy, Blackboard
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Twelve Strategies to Promote Online Growth While Ensuring Quality

Brian Udermann, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Federal Reserve Room

Behind the Curtain: Course Design for Improved Experience and Capacity

Jeremy T. Bond, Kendra S. Brown, and Jennifer J. Jones, Central Michigan University
Aldrich Room

STLR: Student-Curated, Faculty Assessed, Employ-ability Skills Online Portable Record

Camille Farrell, University of Central Oklahoma
Crane Dining Room

Quality Online: What's Rigor Got to Do With It? (Fishbowl)

Deborah Adair, Quality Matters
Crane Library

Is Economics Changing the Quality of Online Education?

Abbot L Packard and Frances Chumney, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A

Scaling Up: Looking beyond Online Program Management (OPM) partners to grow your online programs

Gabriela Alvarez, Innoved Online
Ballroom B
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Riverside Dinner & Music
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Factors Influencing Student Satisfaction: A typological analysis

Christopher Berg, Melanie Shaw, Scott Burrus, and Anthony Contento, Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
Federal Reserve Room

Be the Change: Remaking Education from Within

Teresa Marie Kelly, MAT, Barbara Green, and Josef Vice, Purdue University Global
Aldrich Room

Psychological Skills to Strive for Excellence in Distance Learning Leadership

Lisa Miller, American Military University
Crane Dining Room

Brave New World: Leadership Empowering Faculty During LMS Change

Barbara Green and Michael Keathley, Purdue University Global
Crane Library

Online Drives the Bus: How OER Flipped our Course Development

Anthony Pina and Kenneth Moran, Sullivan University
Ballroom A

Improving Support with the Online Student Services Scorecard

Josh Strigle, College of Central Florida
Ballroom B
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Growth Management of Distance Graduate Programs: Balancing the Scales Strategically

Carrol Warren, Michelle Bartlett, and Diane Chapman, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room

The Impact of Faculty Training on Institutional Performance

Crystal Neumann and Jason Caudill, American College of Education
Aldrich Room

Lessons Learned in Support Online Doctoral Programs

Stephanie Jones, Texas Tech University
Crane Dining Room

Online Faculty Mentoring on a Budget: Sharing Ideas (Fishbowl)

Cathy Taylor, Jutta Pegues, Teresa Mason, Park University, Lisa Bunkowski, Texas A&M Central Texas
Crane Library

Universal Adoption of the LMS Grade Center for Student Feedback

Rinki Suryavanshi, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Ballroom A

Using the Adult Classroom Environment Scale to Evaluate Learner Expectations

Vincent Spezzo, Georgia Institute of Technology, Amanda King, University System of Georgia
Ballroom B
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Distance Education

Russell Fail and Michele Riley, Purdue University Global
Federal Reserve Room

Guidelines for Cyberhygiene in Online Education

Georgiana Laws, Augusta University
Aldrich Room

Social Media Use in Online Classes

Leslie Johnson, Purdue University Global
Crane Library

Free Online Collaboration with Gsuite and Asana

Peg Hohensee, Purdue University Global
Ballroom A

Value or Values: Mitigating the Tension of Reporting Success

Rachael Allen and Jessie Daniels, University of Georgia
Ballroom B
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Working Backwards Moves You Forward: Informed Data Collection

Kate Senn, West Kentucky Community & Technical College, Jonathon Berry, KCTCS System Office, David C. Dixon, Southeast Kentucky Community & Technical College
Federal Reserve Room

Career Readiness & The Missing Piece

Oscar Raile, The University of Virginia’s College at Wise
Aldrich Room

Faculty Perceptions of Faculty-to-Student Engagement Needs

Stephanie J. Jones, Justin Louder, Texas Tech University
Crane Dining Room

Are You Worthy of That “High-Performing” Designation In The Student-Evaluation?

Sheikh Tijan Drammeh, University of West Georgia
Crane Library

Effective Use of “Guest Lecturers” in Online Instruction

Emily Rogers and Howard S. Carrier, Valdosta State University
Ballroom A

Alexa…Can Al Enhance Student-to-Content Interactions?

Carol Klempka & Patricia Angulo, Concordia University, St. Paul
Ballroom B
Closing Lunch Panel Discussion
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM