Schedule 2017
3:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Dinner & Awards Speakers
6:00 PM -
7:45 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
Opening Keynote Breakfast
8:00 AM -
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
- 10:00 AM
Comparative Typology of Student and Institutional Expectations of Online Faculty
Melanie Shaw, Scott Burrus, Northcentral University
Federal Reserve Room
Accessibility Initiatives: Start-Up and Lessons Learned
Jordan Powell Cameron, Jim Cope, Kennesaw State University
Aldrich Room
A Concierge Model for Faculty Consultation on Online Course Design
David McCurry, Bonnie Mullinix University of South Carolina Upstate
Crane Library
Student Preparedness - Breaking Barriers in Online Learning (FISHBOWL)
Jessica Hatcher, Karen Dawes, Wake Technical Community College
Sans Souci Room
Program Evaluation: A Process and an Example
Linda Smith, University of Maryland University College
Ballroom A
Online Learning Pedagogy
Dr. Sheikh Tijan Drammeh, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:30 PM
Refreshment Break
10:00 AM -
10:15 AM
10:15 AM
- 11:00 AM
Positioning DE for the Future to Achieve a Competitive Advantage
Kay Zimmerman, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room
Online Student Orientations: Planning for Student Success
Deborah Brien, Kathy Ingram, Kaplan University
Aldrich Room
CBE: Build a Degree
Lauren Cifuentes, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Crane Library
Jumpstarting Excellence in Innovation: Taking the First Steps (FISHBOWL)
Patricia Angulo, University of St. Mary’s
Sans Souci Room
Optimization of Multimedia Video Instructional Content
Sherry Southard, Dr. Karen Young, Clayton State University
Ballroom A
Ready or Not. Measuring CBE Learner Readiness and Online Faculty Teaching With Technology Readiness
Mac Adkins, Smarter Services
Ballroom B
11:15 AM
- 12:00 PM
The Online Administrator’s Semi-Painless Guide to Institution-Wide Academic Integrity
Thomas J. Tobin
Federal Reserve Room
Beyond Stepping Up! Feedback to Improve Faculty Performance
Peg Hohensee, Leslie Johnson, Kaplan University
Aldrich Room
Strategies for Designing and Developing Competency-Based Education Programs
Carlos Morales, Sheryl Harris, John Chawana, Kelvin Bentley, TCC Connect Campus
Crane Library
Design & Deliver: Building and Teaching Online Courses
Jesse Bishop, Katie Bridges, Georgia Highlands College
Sans Souci Room
Using Media and LMS Data in a Course Revision Initiative
James Castle, Amy Waters, The University of Georgia
Ballroom A
What’s Hot in 2017?
Sandy Mills-Alford, Tasha Brown, AliveTek, Inc
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
Distance Learning: A Game Changer
Rodger Bates, Bryan LaBrecque, Clayton State University
Federal Reserve Room
e-Portfolios: From Learning Tools to Career Support
Linda Smith, Kathy Ingram
Aldrich Room
The Road Ahead: Developing an OER Based Online Degree Pathway
Peter Shapiro, Shannon Dew, Florida State College at Jacksonville
Crane Library
Universal Design for Learning: Engaging Faculty/Engaging Content (FISHBOWL)
Connie Baird, University of Kentucky
Sans Souci Room
Peer Development in Course Design: An Approach to Improve Quality
Carlos Morales, Candy Center, TCC Connect Campus
Ballroom A
Campus-Quality Science Labs for Distance Learning
Stephanie Songer, Carolina Biological Supply
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Design Thinking & Distance Ed: Systematic Innovation Through Empathy
Erik Burns, University of Wisconsin
Federal Reserve Room
Discussion Drudgery: What Counts, What You Can Quit
Rebecca Hoey, Northwestern College
Aldrich Room
Educators’ Perceptions of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Hyojin Park, The University of Georgia
Crane Library
Increasing Faculty Participation in Trainings for Online Teaching (FISHBOWL)
BethRene' Roepnack, University of West Georgia
Sans Souci Room
Using Qualitative Data in a Course Revision Initiative
Karah Zane Hagins, Flint Buchanan, The University of Georgia
Ballroom A
Scaling for Growth: Not Overwhelming Faculty While Meeting Student Enrollment Demands
Alexandra Forrester, John Forrester, Instructional Connections, LLC
Ballroom B
Putt Putt
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM
Cracker Barrell Riverfront Round Tables (Croquet Court - Light Snacks Provided)
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Using the Concept of Shelf Life When Revising Online Programs
Erik Burns, University of Wisconsin
Federal Reserve Room
Using Various Tools to Engage and Support
Celine Santiago Bass, Nikki Williams, Leslie Johnson, Kaplan University
Aldrich Room
Inverted Triangle Model for Course Design/Re-Design
Katie Bridges, Georgia Highlands College
Crane Library
Title III Grants: Everything You Need to Know (FISHBOWL)
David Dannenberg, Heather Nash, University of Alaska Anchorage
Sans Souci Room
The Evolution of e-Portfolios and Rethinking Assessment
Crystal Neumann, Jason Caudill, American College of Education
Ballroom A
Personalized Learning for Instructors and Students
Ashley O’Conner, Jennifer Scott, Realizeit
Ballroom B
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Draft Your Players: Utilizing Your Online Student Success Team
Stephanie Gilstrap Hulsey Mercialeen Rivera Almodovar, University of North Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
STLR: Student Transformative Learning Record
Camille Kilbourne, Kathy Wullstein, University of Central Oklahoma
Aldrich Room
Bite-Sized Delivery Makes Big Waves with Micro-Learning
Leslie Johnson, Kaplan University
Crane Library
Using the C-BEN Quality Standards for Competency-Based Programs
Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Sans Souci Room
EPIC Online Faculty Certification Program
Alison Consol, Denise Barton, Emily Holliday, Wake Technical Community College
Ballroom A
Facilitating Student Success with Faculty Led Group Tutoring /Supporting Distance Learning Students
Bill Zobrist, Pearson Smarthinking
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:00 PM
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
The Online Education Marketing Dilemma - Packaging!
Kay Zimmerman, Ineke Caycedo, North Carolina State University
Federal Reserve Room
Early Alert System in Online Education: Student Profile and Efficacy
Helen Zaikina-Montgomery, Meryl Epstein, Elizabeth Young, Scott Burrus, University of Phoenix
Aldrich Room
College Completion Efforts in Online Degree Programs: Georgia Government Review
Sarah Kuck, Brett Miles, Renita Luck, USG eCampus, Darton College
Crane Library
Lessons Learned in Developing an Online Competency-Education Pathway (FISHBOWL)
Kelvin Bentley, Tarrant County College District
Sans Souci Room
A Comparison of Distance Education and Online Shopping Initiatives
Sher Downing, University of South Carolina, Palmetto College
Ballroom A
People Powered, Technology Enabled: Coaching to Drive Enrollment, Completion and Workforce Readiness
Cindy Hewitt, Inside Track
Ballroom B
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Market Your Online Course with Targeted Lead Magnets
Patrick Hadley, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
SACSCOC & CBE: When to Worry About Your Accreditation
Michelle Soler, University of North Carolina, Jon Sizemore and Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Crane Library
Compassion vs. Rigor: Balancing Standards and Fairness with Being Human (FISHBOWL)
Camille Freeman, Maryland University of Integrative Health
Sans Souci Room
Managing Quality Assurance for Online Course Design
Amy Thornton, Amanda Hawkins, Columbus State University
Ballroom A
A Model Online Orientation
Sam Swindle, Advantage Design Group, Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
Striving for Excellence in Online Leadership Effectiveness and Interpersonal Legacy
Lisa Miller, American Military University
Federal Reserve Room
Leveraging the Growth of Gap-Year Students In Distance Learning
Bradly Corlett, Jason Caudill, Canadian Armed Forces
Aldrich Room
Data Driven Online Course Revision and Review
Karah Zane Hagins, James Castle, The University of Georgia
Crane Library
Managing and Facilitating Synchronous Sessions in an Online World (FISHBOWL)
Bonnie Mullinix, Walden University
Sans Souci Room
Managing Change for QEP Implementation
Patrick Williams, Wake Technical Community College
Ballroom A
Better, Cheaper, Faster - OER & Adaptive Learning Improve Outcomes
Petra Kohlmann-Sanchez, Knewton
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Creating Successful Professional Development Activities for Online Faculty
Kathleen Scarpena, Michele Riley, Michael Keathley
Federal Reserve Room
Student Engagement in Online Courses
Karah Zane Hagins, The University of Georgia
Aldrich Room
Ten Technology Tools Used for Classroom/Online Instruction, Assessment and Collaboration
Veronica Outlaw, University of West Alabama
Crane Library
Providing Professional Development for Distance Learning Faculty with No Budget (FISHBOWL)
Leslie Johnson, Kaplan University
Sans Souci Room
The Goldilocks Test Applied to Online Homework Assignments
Abbot Packard, Francis Chumney, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A
Young Women in STEM: Do Post-Secondary Institutions Equip Them?
Patricia Angulo, Juliet Fernandez, Deborah Yunger, Michael Bartlett, EdTrainU
Ballroom B
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM -
5:45 PM
Riverside Dinner & Concert
7:00 PM -
10:00 PM
8:00 AM -
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Assessing the Predictive Validity of the SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator
Gregory Bradley, Scott Burrus, Karen Ferguson, Melanie Shaw, University of Phoenix
Federal Reserve Room
Online Doctoral Programs: Strategies for Enrolling and Retaining Successful Students
Kate Scarpena, Kaplan University
Aldrich Room
Designing Quality Courses Through Integrated Course Design: Methods
Rolando Marquez, Zhigang Li, Georgia Gwinnett College
Crane Library
Continuous Improvement Through a Virtual Community of Practice
Kathy Ingram, Jody DeKorte, Kaplan University
Dubignon Room
Tending the Teacher: Sustainable Self-Care for Faculty
Bevin Clare, Camille Freeman, Maryland University of Integrative Health
Ballroom A
Finding the Right Match: Seeking an Online Program Management Partner
Stephen Nodine, George Mason University
Ballroom B
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Reassessing the Scale Reliability of the SmarterMeasure Learning Readiness Indicator
Gregory Bradley, Scott Burrus, Karen Ferguson, Melanie Shaw, University of Phoenix
Federal Reserve Room
Online Self-Efficacy Modules for Prospective and Current Students
David McCurry, University of South Carolina Upstate
Aldrich Room
Can Difference Makers Make a Difference for Virtual Communities?
Kerrie Houchens, Kaplan University
Dubignon Room
They Watched How Much? Student Engagement in Faculty-Created Media
Flint Buchanan, Stephen Bridges, The University of Georgia
Ballroom B
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Mastering Online Professional Development: A Design Case
Valora Richardson, Kathleen Mapson, Georgia State University
Federal Reserve Room
Engaging and Supporting Distance Instructors to Enhance Performance and Connectivity
Jody DeKorte, Celine Santiago Bass, Nikki Williams, Kaplan University
Crane Library
Teaching and Assessing Professional Competencies Across Programs
Russell Fail, Michele Riley, Kaplan University
Dubignon Room
Finish What You Start: Open Degree and Courses at Kaplan
Carolyn Stevenson, Kaplan University
Ballroom A
Documenting Teaching Effectiveness in the Online Environment - Peer Observations
Jennifer Purcell, Heather Scott, Deborah Mixson-Brookshire, Kennesaw State University
Ballroom B
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Creating a Distributed Support Model to Build Online Programs
Stephen Nodine, George Mason University
Federal Reserve Room
Striving for Excellence in Student Success by Means of Assessment
Michael Keathley, Jody DeKorte, Kaplan University
Investigations of Postsecondary Online Learning: What the Data Reveal
Katherine Conway, Alyse Hachey, Claire Wladis, Borough of Manhattan Comuntiy College/ City University of New York
Dubignon Room
We Must Do More: Education and Difficult Socioeconomic Conversations
Teresa Marie Kelly, Barbara Green, Stephanie Thompson, Josef Vice, Kaplan University
Ballroom B
Closing Keynote Luncheon
Past Keynotes
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM