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Schedule 2016

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Dinner & Award Speakers
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Opening Keynote Breakfast
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM

Winning, One Program at a Time: A Systemic Approach

Kay Zimmerman, Adam Schultz, North Carolina State University
Aldrich Room

The Georgia CBE Ecosystem: Explored & Explained

Myk Garn, Jon Sizemore, University System of Georgia
Alexander Room

Start Now or Wait: Student Procrastination

Abbot Packard, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A

Don't Market to Students; Enroll More of Your Students

Drew Melendres, Collegis Education
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: Five Steps to Cultivating Online Student Success

Stephanie Hulsey, University of North Georgia
Crane Library

Fiscally Responsible Faculty Relationships: How Dual Positions Can Support Change

Lisa Crawford-Craft, Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus
Federal Reserve Room
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Coffee/Beverage Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Scalable Approach to Course Development: Cohorts and Quality Assurance

Lujean Baab, Virginia Tech - Technology-Enhanced Learning and Online Strategies
Aldrich Room

Examining the Past and Designing the Future of Distance Learning

Lisa Miller, American Public University System
Alexander Room

A Virtual CoP: Enhancing Online Student Experience and Learning

Leslie King, Franklin University
Ballroom A

Solving Two Common eLearning Problems: Student Retention & Proctoring Process Management

Mac Adkins, SmarterServices
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: Promoting Faculty Engagement in Changing Instructional Models

Kate Senn, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
Crane Library

Building a Community of Practice for Online Adjunct Faculty

Linda Smith, Gila Kurtz, University of Maryland University College
Federal Reserve Room
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

The Evolution of Faculty and Expertise in Higher Education

Lisa Johnson, Ashford University
Aldrich Room

Understanding Where to Find the Answers to Institutional Copyright Issues

Sher Downing, University of South Carolina Palmetto College
Alexander Room

Factors That Influence Student Attrition in Online Courses

Melanie Shaw, Karen Ferguson, Scott Burrus, Northcentral University
Ballroom A

Hot or Not? Reloaded

Sandy Mills-Alford, Nicole Gilbert, Tasha Brown, AliveTek, Inc.
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: When Disruption is Disruptive

Amy Coleman, Georgia State University | Perimeter College
Crane Library

Web Solution for the Training & Support of Distance Instructors

Georgianna Laws, Augusta University
Federal Reserve Room
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Does Your Organization Want You To Grow?

Patricia Angulo, Juliet Fernandez, Globe University / MSB
Aldrich Room

Effects of Implementing an OER Initiative

Anthony Piña, Sullivan University System
Alexander Room

Reach Everyone and Teach Everyone through Universal Design for Learning

Thomas Tobin, Northeastern Illinois University
Ballroom A

Online Science Courses without Sacrificing the "Hands-on" Component

Shannon McGurk, Stephanie Songer, Carolina Biological Supply Company
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: CBE: Too Fast, Too Slow, or Just Right?

Robert Johnson, Myk Garn, Commonwealth College Council on Postsecondary Education
Crane Library

Case Study: Using HE-TPACK to Improve Virtual Professional Development Opportunities

Veronica Outlaw, Kristi Garrett, University of South Carolina Aiken
Federal Reserve Room
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Building a Distance Education Program in Alaska

David Dannenberg, Heather Nash, University of Alaska Anchorage
Aldrich Room

OERs as a Cost and Copyright Solution: A Case Study

Tiffani Reardon, Kennesaw State University
Alexander Room

Teaching and Assessing Ethics Across Disciplines in Online Education

Russell Fail, Michele Riley, Kaplan University
Ballroom A

Scaling for Growth: Not Overwhelming Faculty While Meeting Student Enrollment Demands

Alexandra Forrester, John Forrester, Instructional Connections, LLC
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: Developing and Sustaining Capacity for Designing Effective Online Programs

Lisa Johnson, Ashford University
Crane Library

Reframing Student Engagement: Increasing Active Learning in Online, Blended and Face-to-Face Environments

Beth René Roepnack, Cher Hendricks, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Putt Putt
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Cracker Barrel & Poolside Party (Light Snacks Provided)
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Online Discussion: Best Practices

Sabine Meyer, Rasmussen College, Bloomington and Online
Aldrich Room

Logic, Critical Reasoning, and OER/CC Materials

Christine James, Valdosta State University, USG eCore, ALG
Alexander Room

Teaching Multiple Online Courses: Tools, Tactics, and Techniques

Rodger Bates, Bryan LaBrecque, Clayton State University
Ballroom A

Realizeit: Personalized Learning for Instructors and Students

Ashley O'Connor, Sonja Strahl, Realizeit
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: Building a Team to Bring About Rapid Change

Kate Senn, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
Crane Library

Evaluating Competency-Based Courses for Quality and Student Success

Jaclyn Krause, Laura Portolese Dias, Chris Schedler, Central Washington University
Federal Reserve Room
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Progressive Partnership: University Senate and Distance Learning

Constance Baird, Galen Stone, University of Kentucky
Aldrich Room

Ideal Leadership Motives for Higher Education Distance Learning

Lisa Miller, American Public University System
Alexander Room

A Professional, Online Library Classroom: Distance Learning Approaches for LIS

Howard Carrier, James Madison University
Ballroom A

We Got the Power

Cindy Lohan, Danny Clark, Pearson Readiness and Retention
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: Expert Online Grading Practices

Sabine Meyer, Rasmussen College, Bloomington and Online
Crane Library

Motivation in Administrators and Instructors to Provide Online Offerings

Lauren Cifuentes, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Federal Reserve Room
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Creating Synergy & Best Practices in Online Course Development Partnerships

Veronica Outlaw, Kay Sackett, University of South Carolina Aiken
Aldrich Room

Using LMS Embedded Analytics to Evaluate an Online Competency-Based Program

Georgianna Laws, Amanda Barefield, Augusta University
Alexander Room

Is Your Online Course a Flat Pancake or a Hot Tamale?

Angie Parker, American College of Education
Ballroom A

Walking the Line between Security and Convenience: Using Online Proctors

Darrett Stevenson, Proctor U
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: What the e-Learning Leader Needs to Know: Advice for Administrators

Anthony Piña, Sullivan University, Jason Huett, University of West Georgia, Lauren Cifuentes, Texas A&M University
Crane Library

Status Tracking and Reporting the Quality Matters Process at UNG

Nina Lamson, David Babb, Robert Schmidt, University of North Georgia - Oconee Campus
Federal Reserve Room
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

It Looked So Easy On Paper: UGA Undergraduate Online Learning

Jessie Daniels, Laura Clark, University of Georgia
Aldrich Room

Storm Proofing Your Online Course Schedule

Oscar Raile, The University of Virginia's College at Wise
Alexander Room

Accessibility and the Art of Building Buy-In

Jessica Phillips, The Ohio State University
Ballroom A

The Student Transformative Learning Record: Capturing Curricular & Co-Curricular Learning Using the LMS

Camille Kilbourne, STLR (Student Transformative Learning Record) / University of Central Oklahoma
Ballroom B

Fishbowl: Train Your Distance Instructors at a Distance?

Xuan Cai, University of New Hampshire
Crane Library

Seven Strategies for Marketing to Prospective Online Students

Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Faculty Development: Preparing for the Transition to Online Teaching

Lydia Frass, Ryan Rucker, Gloria Washington, University of South Carolina
Aldrich Room

Experiences of Using Weekly Topic Reflections to Challenge Online Students?

Yuliang Liu, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Alexander Room

Characteristics of Successful Online MBA Students: An Empirical Analysis

Ron Gilbert, Florida International University
Ballroom A

Making Online Learning Stick

Danvers Fleury, Talented
Ballroom B

Support Considerations for International Faculty Teaching in an Online Program

Johnna Hodges, University of Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

The Big Four - Teaching Faculty about Online Accessibility Responsibilities

Jordan Cameron, Jim Cope, Kennesaw State University
Aldrich Room

Bringing Back the Magic to Online Discussions

Beth René Roepnack, University of West Georgia
Alexander Room

Rethinking the Faculty Development Toolkit

Sallie Johnson, Michael Hower, USAF, Air University, eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education (PME)
Ballroom A

Fishbowl: From Ground Up: Plan, Build, Deliver, and Facilitate Online Courses

Veronica Outlaw, University of South Carolina Aiken
Crane Library

Faculty Professional Development and Student Satisfaction in Online Higher Education

Melanie Shaw, Witt Salley, Todd Kane, Clemson University
Federal Reserve Room
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Riverside Dinner & Concert
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Omnipresence: The Ultimate Support for Distance Students

Sheikh Drammeh, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room

Exploring Support for Online Students: The Cherries and the Pits

Alan Hansen, Jason Dunlop, Independence University
Ballroom A

Fishbowl: Online and Face-to-Face courses: A Tool Box

Sherrie Lewis Saint Leo University
Crane Library
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Who's Got Their Six?: Serving Those Who Serve

Jessie Daniels University of Georgia
Aldrich Room

Away With Words: Considerations of Online University English Composition Courses

Gregory Orme, East Carolina University
Alexander Room

Using StudyMate with Desire2Learn

Louise Fechter, Laura Lowe-Reefer, Georgia Southern University
Ballroom A

Crafting a Culture of Online Instruction

Marilee Hall, Pamela Bergin, Independence University
Federal Reserve Room
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

EPIC Online Student and Faculty Preparedness

Alison Consol, Carrie Bartek, Wake Technical Community College
Aldrich Room

Evaluation of Instructional Design Capabilities of Asynchronous and Synchronous Instruction

Kristi Garrett, Angela Benson, Atlanta Technical College
Alexander Room

Words Do Hurt! Impact of Unprofessional Behavior in Online Classroom

Thomas Schneid, Eastern Kentucky University
Crane Library
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Creating Engagement Using Virtual Classrooms and Other Technologies

David Lloyd, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room

Using a Cohort Forum Structure to Promote Interaction

Felicia Tucker-Lively, Academy for Academic Leadership
Alexander Room

Advantages and Barriers to Using Social Media in Online Education

Laura McNeill, Vivan Wright, Margaret Rice, The University of Alabama
Federal Reserve Room
Closing Panel Luncheon
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM