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Schedule 2015

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Dinner & Award Speakers
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Transitory Shared Governance Decision-Making: Redefining Rules of Engagement

Kelly Reath, East Tennessee State University
Federal Reserve Room

Affordability, Transferability and Accessibility: Delivering the Online Core Curriculum

Mike Rogers, Linda Noble, and Jon Sizemore, University System of Georgia
Alexander Room

The Missing Link: Evaluating Faculty Workload in the Online Modality

Scott E. Hovater and Michael J. Coplan, Grand Canyon University
Aldrich Room

Streamlining Coordination and Communication in Online Program Development

Jacob Bane, The Ohio State University
Crane Library
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Retention Predictors Among Students Enrolled in Foundations of Online Learning

Melissa Layne, Wally Boston, and Phil Ice, American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room

Comprehensive Online Instructor Training Course

Shanni Simmons and Debbie Stanczak, Vincennes University
Alexander Room

Facilitating Veterans' Success in Online Learning

Karen Lingrell, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room

Nurturing Faculty: Inspiring Teaching Innovation and Passion through Collaborative Communities

Teresa Marie Kelly and Josef Vice, Kaplan University
Ballroom A

Simplify Training to Support Distance Learning

Betsy Dahlgren-Hoff, Atomic Learning
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Don't Tell the Faculty: Administrators' Secrets to Evaluating Online Teaching

Thomas J. Tobin, Northeastern Illinois University
Federal Reserve Room

Achieving Alignment for Culture Change of Online Education

Barbara Kopp Miller, University of Toledo
Alexander Room

Closing the Gap Between the Institution and its Online Faculty

Anthony Pina, Sullivan University
Aldrich Room

Distance Learning Staff Engagement

Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Crane Library

Best Practices: Implementing an Online Course Development & Delivery Model

Veronica Outlaw, University of South Carolina Aiken
Ballroom A

Solving Two Common eLearning Problems: Student Retention & Proctoring Process Management

Mac Adkins, SmarterServices
Ballroom B
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Program Development Triumvirate: Market Research, Agile Development, and Consensus Building

Tina Parscal, Adam Forrest, and Kenneth Sherman, University of the Rockies
Federal Reserve Room

Resources to Go: Support for Students in a Mobile World

Teresa Marie Kelly and Josef Vice, Kaplan University
Alexander Room

Curriculum Design and Delivery: Possibilities and Pitfalls of Outsourcing

Lauryl A. Lefebvre, University of Phoenix
Crane Library

Program Development and Cross-Campus Collaboration: Strategies for Administrative Success

Jennifer Gramling and Jean Derco, The University of Tennessee
Ballroom A

What's Hot or Not!

Nicole Gilbert, Tasha Brown, Kimberly Blas, and Bradley Corlett, AliveTek
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

MOOCs: Branding, Enrollment, and Multiple Measure of Success

Elke Leeds and Jim Cope, Kennesaw State University
Federal Reserve Room

Powering the University with Organizational Intelligence

Phil Ice, American Public University System
Alexander Room

Support for Online Graduate Nursing Students Via a Virtual Boot-Camp

Susan Welch, Dianne West, Jean Cook, and Mary Bishop, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room

Delivering Online Leadership Development Curriculum Focused on Goal Execution

Patricia L. Angulo, Globe University / MSB
Crane Library

Getting Started: The Online Course Development Toolkit

Cedric E. Smith, St. Petersburg College
Ballroom A

Student Connection with Academic Coaches

Alex Forrester and John Forrester, Instructional Connections, LLC
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Making Quality Happen at a Big Ten University

Timothy Lombardo, The Ohio State University
Federal Reserve Room

Helping Distributed Learning (DL) Faculty Implement Quality Assurance Standards

Karen Edwards and Ryan Rucker, University of South Carolina
Alexander Room

Learning Contracts to Promote Student Success in Online Doctoral Programs

Melanie Shaw, Jama Bradley, and Diane Blyler, Clemson University
Aldrich Room

Moving Beyond the Hype: Evaluating Disruption in Higher Education

Richard A. Schilke, Texas A&M University - Central Texas
Ballroom A

Optimizing Enrollment and Increasing Student Success

Heather Traynor, Enrollment Builders
Ballroom B
Putt Putt or Scavenger Hunt
3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Cracker Barrel & Poolside Party (Light Snacks Provided)
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
7:30 AM - 3:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Online Learning and Assessment

Rodger Bates, Clayton State University
Federal Reserve Room

Making Faculty ROAR! - Recognition, Organization, Appreciation, Reward

Jody DeKorte, Sara Sander, and Miranda Brand, Kaplan University
Alexander Room

Assessment, Competencies, Grading and Feedback: The Mosaic of Student Learning

Teresa Marie Kelly and Josef Vice, Kaplan University
Aldrich Room

Where Do We Go From Here? The Role of Quality Online Learning

Jason Huett, David Lloyd, and Beth René Roepnack, University of West Georgia
Crane Library

Online Orientations: Case Study

Sam Swingle, Advantage Design Group, Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Utilizing Data to Ensure Academic Quality for an Online Institution

Phil Ice, American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room

Maximize Learning, Creativity, and Innovation for All

Jessica Phillips, The Ohio State University
Alexander Room

Creating an Online Course Pack: Collaboration Leads to Creative Solutions

Georgianna Laws, Vahe Heboyan, and Maryska Connolly-Brown, Georgia Regents University
Aldrich Room

Helping Students Navigate Online Learning

Stephanie Delaney, Seattle Central College
Crane Library

Adobe Connect Resolves Issues Relating to Presence, Engagement, and Retention

Veronica Outlaw, University of South Carolina Aiken
Ballroom A

We Got the Power!

Barry Berman, Pearson Readiness and Retention
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Copyright concerns and Intellectual Property Protection in Distance Education

Leslie Ann L. Dunn, Georgia Perimeter College
Federal Reserve Room

Preparing First Generation College Students for Success with Online Education

Oscar Raile, University of Virginia's College at Wise
Alexander Room

Flipping Nuts

April Rupp, Carnegie Mellon University
Aldrich Room

AfterNext: Decoding the Future of Higher Edcation in 2030

Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Crane Library

Will More Effective Training for Online Instructors Help Adult Students?

Patricia L. Angulo and Lutunjo Abram Globe University
Ballroom A

Don't Fear the Eval: Student Ratings of Instruction Made Easy

Brian Hopewell, Academic Management Systems
Ballroom B
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Appifying Digital Scholarship

Melissa Layne, Holly Henry, and Phil Ice, American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room

Redefining Student Support in a Competency-Based Graduate Program

Linda J. Smith, University of Maryland University College
Alexander Room

Backward Design Approach for Distance Education Program Development

Wenxia (Joy) Wu and Helena I. Russell Eastern Virginia Medical School
Aldrich Room

The Migration of Legal Education to Online Platforms

Timothy Arcaro, Nova Southeastern University
Crane Library

Don't Tell the Faculty: Administrators' Secrets to Evaluating Online Teaching

Thomas J. Tobin, Northeastern Illinois University
Ballroom A
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Who's #1? Online College Power Rankings Using NPS

Jon L. Proctor, Kaplan University
Federal Reserve Room

Demand Patterns for Online vs. Traditional Higher Education

Jason Caudill, King University
Alexander Room

Faculty Participation in Online Discussions

Margaret Reneau, Cara Wallace, Alison Ridge, Lora Claywell, and Jill Price, Saint Xavier University, School of Nursing
Aldrich Room

Social Feedback for Self-Directed Learning - Engaging Students Online with Bluepulse

Simon Shen, eXplorance
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

They're Dropping Like Flies! But Why?

Tamara L. Chiong and Jon L. Proctor, Kaplan University
Federal Reserve Room

MOOCs: Branding, Enrollment, and Multiple Measures of Success

Elke Leeds and Jim Cope, Kennesaw State University
Alexander Room

Readiness of Teachers and Pupils for Use of Mobile Devices In Nigeria

Animnu Sharehu, National Teachers' Institute, Edoja Achora, Benue State University
Aldrich Room

How do you 508? Universal Design Considerations in Courseware Development

Bradly Corlett, AliveTek
Crane Library

Evolvement of a Self-Paced Online Course in Educational Research

Abbot L. Packard, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM - 5:45 PM
Riverside Dinner & Concert
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Ensuring Quality of Online Learning through Faculty Development Program

Brichaya Shah, Derrick Sterling, and Zhigang Li, Southern Polytechnic State University
Federal Reserve Room

A Report on Cyberbullying in Online Higher Education

Donna DiMatteo-Gibson, Andree Swanson, and Paula Zobisch, Forbes School of Business at Ashford University
Alexander Room

Online Academic Support: Theory to Software

Michael Lampe and Eric Moschella, University of South Carolina
Aldrich Room

Incentivizing Continued Professional Development - Borrowing from International Models

Jason Caudill, King University
Crane Library
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Assessment of Economic Impact in an Engineering Technology Distance Program

Amber C. Thompson, Western Carolina University
Federal Reserve Room

Not Another Google Reference! Embedded Librarian Improve Online Student References

Hallie Baker and Kristin Cole, Muskingum University
Alexander Room

Learning Contracts to Promote Student Success in Online Doctoral Programs

Melanie Shaw, Jama Bradley, and Diane Blyler, Clemson University
Aldrich Room

Apps for Online Student Engagement at UNG

Stephanie Hulsey, University of North Georgia
Crane Library
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Case Studies in Managing Change in Online Programs

Markus Pomper and Margaret Thomas Evans, Roane State Community College
Federal Reserve Room

Community and Mission: Integrating Theory and Practice

Patrick Holt, Fordham University
Alexander Room

Navigating DE State Authorizations: Past and Future

Rebecca Smith, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room

Frank Talk About the Cost of Marketing Online Programs

Rebecca Hoey, Northwestern College
Crane Library
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

The Fine Art of Teaching Traditional Faculty Online Teaching Skills

Witt Salley, Melanie Shaw, Carla Bradley, Katherine Perkins, and Philip Arnolda, Clemson University
Federal Reserve Room

Recording Transformative Learning In and Out of the Classroom

Camille Kilbourne, University of Central Oklahoma
Alexander Room

Teaching, Advising & Regulating Distance Instructed Students: Innovative LMS Approach

Stephen D. Heglund, University of Central Florida College of Nursing
Aldrich Room