Schedule 2014
3:00 PM -
5:00 PM
Dinner & Award Speaker
6:00 PM -
7:00 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Greeting Students at the Virtual Door: Online Learning Orientation
Tamra Swann,
Mississippi State University Center for Distance Education
Aldrich Room
Identifying and Measuring Digital Influencers When Advertising Distance Education Programs
James Sissom, Southern Illinois University
Alexander Room
Distance Education Adoption Patterns Among Postsecondary Bricks-and-Mortar Institutions
Lauryl A. Lefebvre, West Virginia University
Ballroom A
Beyond the SLOAN Five Pillars: Distance Learning Leadership in Transition
April Bellafiore, Bristol Community College
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Integrating the Needs of Distance Learning into Academic Program Reviews
Cathy Taylor, Dennis Gresdo, Jutta Pegues and Teresa Mason
Park University
Crane Library
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:30 PM
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
From Traditional Professor to Online Course Designer
Rebecca Hoey, Northwestern College
Aldrich Room
All Abroad: International Strategies, Criteria, Expectations, and Challenges
Jeffrey McCafferty, Phil Ice, Tracy Cosker
American Public University System
Alexander Room
Building Bridges Without Breaking Budgets: Developing Successful Virtual Professional Development
Teresa Marie Kelly, Kaplan University
Ballroom A
Remote Proctoring: Rethinking an Old Mode
Eli Adler, Voice Proctor
Ballroom B
Future-Focused Leadership: Mega-Trends Influencing Distance Learning Administration
Connie Reimers-Hild, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Fostering Academic Wins for Athletes in Online Courses
Austin Janowski, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM -
10:30 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Faculty Motivations to Teach Online
Jim Wright, Kennesaw State University
Aldrich Room
User Interface Design in E-Learning Platform - Desire2Learn
Terry Smith, Middle Georgia State College
Alexander Room
Tracking Student Learning - A Longitudinal Study of General Education Literacies
Jody DeKorte, Jon Proctor, Kathy Ingram
Kaplan University
Ballroom A
Measuring What Matters: Non-Cognitive Factors in Student Success
Mac Adkins, SmarterServices
Ballroom B
Exploring Institution to Institution Swirling Patterns Among Online Students
Wally Boston, Dave Becher, Melissa Layne, Phil Ice
American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Best Practices, Ideas, and Concerns About Teaching and Learning Virtually
Teresa Marie Kelly, Kaplan University
Crane Library
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Distance Learning Technologies Supporting Non-Traditional Course Schedules
Jason Caudill, King University
Aldrich Room
Online Teaching: How is it Assessed? How Should it Be?
Anthony Piña, Larry Bohn
Sullivan University System
Alexander Room
Retrofitting Online Course Design: A Wide-Scale University Conversion Project
Shawndra Bowers, Josh Hill, Gayle Nelson
Troy University
Ballroom A
Disaster Response: SAM to the Rescue
Katie Manis, Sandy Mills-Alford
Ballroom B
Change done right - Revisiting BCC's LMS Change Initiative
April Bellafiore, Bristol Community College
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Collaborative Online Course Design
Lisa Johnon, Ashford University
Crane Library
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
Stepping Up: How Online Instructors Respond to Monitoring Feedback
Peggy L. Hohensee, Leslie Johnson
Kaplan University
Aldrich Room
An Approach to Proctored Exams Using Traditional and Non-Traditional Methods
Reynard Van Tonder, University of West Georgia
Alexander Room
Transformation to Excellence: Box of Books to Interactive Learning Activities
Sallie Johnson, Bart Kessler
USAF, Air Command and Staff College, Air University
Ballroom A
Black Board Collaborate Roadmap
John Crowley, Blackboard
Ballroom B
Through Google Glass
Phil Ice, Wally Boston, Rob Mitchell, Melissa Layne
American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Faculty and Technology: Facilitating the Marriage
Nikkia Anderson, Northern Virginia Community College
J. Patrick Whitaker, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
Crane Library
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
2:30 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Fulfilling Savannah State University
Nat Hardy, Savannah State University
Aldrich Room
What Online Students Want Compared to What Institutions Expect
Jeffrey L. Bailie, Kaplan University
Alexander Room
KM Readiness Survey: Assessing eLearning Infrastructure at King Saud University
Sebastian Diaz, American Public University System
Atiyah Alghamdi, West Virginia University
Ballroom A
Accessibility: Video/Media Production
Sheryl Ballenger, AMAC Accessibility Solutions
Ballroom B
Can MOOCs Be Saved? A New Direction for Open Courses
Stephanie Thompson, Josef Vice, Tonya Scalise, Kathy Ingram
Kaplan University
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Leading the Future: Innovating with Purpose, Passion and Fun!
Connie Reimers-Hild, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Crane Library
Putt Putt or Scavenger Hunt
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM
Cracker Barrel & Poolside Party (Light Snacks Provided)
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Auditing Online Student Services: Toward Equ(al)ity, Engagement, and Excellence
Jared Colton, Witt Salley, Ashley Colton
Clemson University
Aldrich Room
Distance Learning and Jihad: The Dark Side of the Force
Rodger Bates , Mara Mooney
Clayton State University
Alexander Room
Leadership Psychology of Close Relationships in Distance Education Administration
Lisa Miller, American Public University System
Ballroom A
Applying the lever of partnership to faculty professional development
Scott B. Johnson, University of Illinois: Illinois Online Network
Ballroom B
Hangout, Connect, Collaborate and Record: Successfully Engaging Students Virtually
Teresa Marie Kelly, Kaplan University
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Can We Survive Round Two of State Authorizations?
Rebecca Smith, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM -
10:30 AM
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Helping Faculty Avoid the "Creepy Factor" of Social Media
David Lloyd, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room
Training Your Faculty about Copyright When the Lawyer Isn't Looking
Thomas J. Tobin, Northeastern Illinois University
Alexander Room
Trading Places: Faculty as Students in an Online Course
Lisa Craft, Kansas State University Salina
Ballroom A
Documenting Compliance With Accreditation Agency Guidelines for Distance Education Students?
Barry L. Berman, Pearson Readiness and Retention
Ballroom B
How Mashing Up a MOOC and an Emporium Changes Everything
Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: MOOC Effect: Tsunami or Ripple?
Micheal Crafton, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Theory to Application: Student Development Theories in Online Learning
Camille Kilbourne
The Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland
Aldrich Room
Harvesting Alternative Credit Transfer Students
Bradly Corlett, Royal Canadian Navy
Alexander Room
Virtual Mentoring: Bridging Support Between Doctoral Education and Teaching Practice
Laurie Ware, Susan Welch
University of West Georgia
Ballroom A
Authoring Course Content
Doug Wallace, Thinking Cap
Ballroom B
Cool Tools to Make DL Admin Life Easier
Janet Gubbins, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Administrative Planning for Adult Learners: What is Your Approach?
Jason Huett, Myrna Gantner
University of West Georgia
Crane Library
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Leading from Afar: Distance Department Chair Case Study
Teresa L. Mason, Dennis Gresdo, Jutta Pegues
Park University
Aldrich Room
Realizing Operational Excellence: Using the Lean Philosophy
Karen L. Pedersen, Northern Arizona University
Alexander Room
Lessons Learned in Developing Course-New to Online Learning: the Fundamentals
Kathy J. Sundin, Valdosta State University
Ballroom A
Ensuring Academic Integrity at Miami Dade College with Online Proctoring
Jason Rupert, ProctorU
Sofia Villalobos, Miami Dade College
Ballroom B
Emerging Trends in Digital Scholarship
Melissa Layne, Holly Henry
American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Distance Learning and Concurrent Enrollment: Match Made in Heaven
Patricia Milner, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Crane Library
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
Keeping Up and Staying Connected: Contributions From a COP
Laurel Newman, University of Illinois Springfield
Aldrich Room
Want More Research? Develop a Research Special Interest Group
Lisa Miller
America Public University System
Alexander Room
Beyond the Discussion Board: Enhancing Online Student Collaboration
Ryan Baggett, Eastern Kentucky University
Ballroom A
Data + Tools + Messaging = Marketing Success: The Marketing Formula to Support Distance Learning Programs
Lynne Koreman, Colloquy
Ballroom B
Opening Doors: Expanding Concurrent Enrollment Opportunities through Distance Learning
Patricia Milner , Daniella Cauffiel
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Building Interactive Blended Learning Environments
Jason Caudill, King University
Crane Library
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
2:30 PM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Establishing Collegewide Partnerships to Enhance Distance Learning
Sofia Villalobos, Miami Dade College
Aldrich Room
Accessibility in Online Learning: Designing a Successful Faculty Development Program
Mayuko Nakamura, Linda Summers
Illinois State University
Alexander Room
Cognitive Load Theory and Writing Instruction
Catherine Flynn, Kaplan University
Ballroom A
Print to Digital to Open: The Future of Textbooks
Carrie Watkins, MBS Direct Digital
Ballroom B
Karen L. Pedersen, Northern Arizona University
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Evaluating the Evaluation of Distance Education
Anthony Piña, Sullivan University System
Connie Baird, University of Kentucky
Crane Library
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM -
5:54 PM
Riverside Dinner & Concert
7:00 PM -
12:18 PM
8:00 AM -
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 PM
Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-Study (GOALS)
Cyndi Rowland, Utah State University
Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Aldrich Room
Constructivist Instructional Design: Creating an Exemplary Online Literature Course
Shawndra Bowers, LaKayla Moore, Paige Paquette
Troy University
Alexander Room
Using Course Storyboards for Distance Instructor Training
Linda J. Smith, University of Maryland University College
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Obstacles to Online Student Success: How Do We Conquer Them?
Sabine Meyer, Rasmussen College, National Online
Crane Library
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) for eLearning at KSU
Sebastian Diaz, American Public University System
Atiyah Alghamdi, West Virginia University
Aldrich Room
Feedback Types and Student Retention in Online Higher Education
Melanie Shaw, Scott Burrus, Karen Ferguson
Northcentral University
Alexander Room
When Locality Meets Distance
Aaron Joyal
American Public University System
Ballroom A
Developing an eLearning Business Plan for a Traditional Public University
Witt Salley, Clemson University
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: What's So New About New Learning Models?
Myk Garn, University System of Georgia
Crane Library
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Expressively Different? A Discourse Analysis of SCAD
Lori J Vargo, Savannah College of Art and Design
Aldrich Room
Centralizing Distance Education at a Large Public Institution
Jennifer L. Simmons, The Ohio State University
Federal Reserve Room
Fishbowl: Managing Administrative Support in Distance Education
Timothy Arcaro, Nova Southeastern University
Crane Library
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Transforming NTI DLRs into OERs: Benefits, Challenges and Way Forward
Aminu Ladan Sharehu, National Teachers' Institute
Aldrich Room
Online Success in a Rural Community College
Elizabeth McPhaul-Moore, Piedmont Community College
Alexander Room
IDS for Faculty and Students in Online Graduate SON Programs
Charles Akin, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Closing Keynote Luncheon
Past Keynotes
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM