Schedule 2013
3:00 PM -
7:30 PM
Dinner & Award Speakers
6:00 PM -
7:30 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Using Incentives to Overcome Faculty Fear of Online Learning
Lisa Craft, Alysia Starkey
Kansas State University
Federal Reserve Room
Predicting Online Course Success: Challenges, Lessons Learned
Christy Hawkins, Thomas Nelson Community College
Alexander Room
Best Practices in Addressing the Online Expectations of Generation Y
Thomas Schneid, Eastern Kentucky University
Aldrich Room
Evaluation of Online Programs: Start at the Beginning
Annette L. Becker, Utica College
Crane Library
A Retroactive Application of Instructional Design Strategies to Online Programs
Jordan Cameron, Kennesaw State University
Ballroom A
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Managing and Coaching Effective Online Faculty, with a Faculty Mentor
Carlos Morales, Ana G. Mendez University Virtual Campus
Federal Reserve Room
Cheap and Easy: Examining Christian College Students' Summer School Choices
Rebecca Hoey, Northwestern College
Alexander Room
Supporting the General Education Program for Distance Students
Jodene DeKorte, Kathy Ingram, Jon Proctor
Aldrich Room
Encouraging Faculty to Buy In to Evaluation of Online Teaching
Katherine M. Hitchcock, Northern Virginia Community College, Extended Learning Institute
Crane Library
Broadening Access to STEM Programs Through Technical College Articulation Programs
David Edwin Stone, Southern Polytechnic
Ballroom A
Making the Shift to Centralized Online Enrollment Operations
Cam Cruickshank, Enrollment Builders
Michelle Ward, Utica College
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:30 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM -
5:10 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Self-Paced Faculty Training: How to Successfully Herd Cats
Laura Rash, Liz Crowell
University of Central Oklahoma
Federal Reserve Room
A Longitudinal Study of Online Learners: Shoppers, Swirlers, Stoppers, and Succeeders as a Function of Demographic Characteristics
Phil Ice, Melissa Layne, Wallace Boston
American Public University System
Alexander Room
Proven Strategies for Increasing Response Rates for Online Course Evaluations
Kevin Mobbs, College of Coastal Georgia
Aldrich Room
Have You Been MOOCed?
Marianne Weber, The Ohio State University
Crane Library
Accessibility Considerations for Building an Online Degree Program
Johnna Hodges, Janet Sylvia, Paul Brooks
University of Georgia
Ballroom A
Measuring Grit
Mac Adkins, SmarterServices
Veronica Outlaw, The University of Alabama
Ballroom B
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Resistance is Futile: Conquering Faculty Resistance to Measurable Course Goals
Tamara Powell, Jake McNeill, Aisha Coore, Elizabeth Davis, Nikki Hill
Kennesaw State University
Federal Reserve Room
Online Education and Complete College Georgia
Micheal Crafton, Clayton State University
Alexander Room
A New Approach to Standardizing Course Level Assessment
Michele Hinton Riley, Kathy Ingram
Kaplan University
Aldrich Room
Opening Open Educational Resources - Treasure Chest or Pandora's Box?
Gail Poitras, Hal Kearsley
Norwich University
Crane Library
Technology-Based Grading: Comprehensive and Personalized Assessments Increase Success
Leslie Bowman, Walden University
Ballroom A
Hot or Not?
Sandy Mills-Alford, AliveTek
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
Online Program Marketing: A Collaborative Approach
Cindy Hawks, Western Kentucky University
Federal Reserve Room
Managing Growth in Distance Education
Olufunke Lawal, Sylvester Feyi Akinbuli
University of Lagos
Alexander Room
Online Course Evaluation: Emergence as E-Tool for Faculty
Constance Baird, University of Kentucky
Aldrich Room
Remedial Training for Online Instructors
Teresa Williams, Anne Erickson
American Public University System
Crane Library
What's in a Name? Better Defining "Online" Course, Program and Student
Jason Huett, Janet Gubbins
University of West Georgi
Ballroom A
Adhering to FERPA While Using Online Proctoring to Ensure Academic Integrity
Don Kassner, ProctorU
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
5:10 AM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Herding Avatars: Professional Development in a Virtual Environment
Patrick Whitaker, J Sargeant Reynolds Community College
Veronica Outlaw, The University of Alabama
Federal Reserve Room
Distance Education Student Support: Making the CONNECTion
Jody-Lynn Burke, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Alexander Room
Too Big to Fail: Issues in Government-mandated LMS Platforms
Bradly Corlett, Royal Canadian Navy
Aldrich Room
Why Problem Based Learning Online?
Bobbe Baggio, La Salle University
Crane Library
Constructing a Community for Digital Learners
Amanda Wooten, Savannah College of Art & Design
Ballroom A
Immersive Online Learning: From Gaming to Cloud-Based Solutions
Ron Krempasky, Toolwire
Ballroom B
Putt Putt or Scavenger Hunt
3:15 PM -
4:45 PM
Cracker Barrel & Poolside Party (Light Snacks Provided)
5:30 PM -
7:00 PM
7:30 AM -
3:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Lessons Learned: Fixing a Training Program for Online Faculty
Hope Carroll, DeWitt Salley
Clemson University
Federal Reserve Room
Perceptions of Program Completer in Hybrid Online Education Program
Ron Knorr, Richard Binkney
Mercer University
Alexander Room
Creating An Assessment Culture in an Online Environment
Melissa Layne, Jennifer Stephens Helm, Jeffrey McCafferty
American Public University System
Aldrich Room
Accreditation and Distance Learning: How Can Institutions Quickly Deliver Innovation Without Putting Accreditation at Risk?
Jon Anderson, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
Checklists, Rubrics, and Soundbites Does Audio/Video Feedback Work?
Sabine Meyer, Rasmussen College Online
Ballroom A
Instructional Design Considerations for Embedded MOOC Content in For-Credit Courses
Kim Huett, Jason Huett, University of West Georgia
Ballroom B
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Engaging Adjunct Faculty in Online Education
Suzanne Minarcine, Jill Fuson
American Public University System
Federal Reserve Room
The Community Course: A MOOC Alternative
Barbara Manuputy, Teresa Williams
American Public University System
Alexander Room
Institutional Continuity and Distance Learning: A Symbiotic Relationship
Rodger Bates, Clayton State University
Aldrich Room
Faculty Readiness: From Recruitment to Evaluation
Michelle Franz, Katherine Hitchcock
Northern Virginia Community College
Crane Library
Walking the Talk - Collaborative Design
Kathy Ingram, Kaplan University
Ballroom A
Immersive Content, Tools, and Experiences Effectively Engage Students
Eileen McClay, Pearson Learning Solutions
Ballroom B
Technology Showcase Open
9:30 AM -
4:00 PM
Refreshment Break
9:45 AM -
5:10 AM
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Creating a Social Learning Environment for Faculty Development
Debra Robinson, University of West Georgia
Federal Reserve Room
Copyright Checklist for LMS Ingestion: Post-Textbook Considerations
Fred Stielow, Phil McNair
American Public University System
Alexander Room
Need a GPS to Navigate the Online Classroom?
Corey Tutor, Jan Flegle, Jennifer Tutor
American Public University System
Aldrich Room
Providing Engaging Student Services
Ronnie Creel, Troy University
Crane Library
Measuring Student Perceptions of Informal Learning Online
Sebastian Diaz, Melissa Layne
American Public University System
Ballroom A
Learning to Use Thinking Cap Create for eLearning
Doug Wallace, Thinking Cap
Ballroom B
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
Faculty Support and Guidance for Online Learning Environments
Meline Kevorkian, Jennifer Quinones Nottingham
Nova Southeastern University
Federal Reserve Room
Creating Community in the Online Diaspora
Lorna Wheeler, Stefanie Lassitter
Ashford University
Alexander Room
I've Got All This Data . . . Now What?
Kim Luzius, Sonya Dunkin
The University of Alabama
Aldrich Room
Online Tuition Models - Cutting the Pie
Austin Janowski, University of West Georgia
Crane Library
Web 3.0 eLearning 4.0: Artificial Intelligence in Education
Leslie King, Wenxia "Joy" Wu
Franklin University
Ballroom A
Online Tutoring - A Supplement to On-Campus Tutoring and a Source of Support for Distance Learners
Barry L. Berman, Smarthinking
Ballroom B
Lunch on Your Own
11:45 AM -
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- 1:45 PM
WKU Online Faculty Professional Development Plan
Amanda McGaughey, Western Kentucky University
Federal Reserve Room
Striving for Excellence: A Case for NTI Nigeria ODE
Aminu Ladan Sharehu, National Teachers' Institute (NTI)
Alexander Room
Beyond Quality Matters: Assessing Online Instructors, Not Just the Courses
Anthony Pina, Larry Bohn
Sullivan University System
Aldrich Room
Feedback - Fast and Furious!
Sabine Meyer, Rasmussen College Online
Crane Library
Using Storyboards to Help Instructors Design and Improve Distance Education Courses
Linda J. Smith, University of Maryland University College
Ballroom A
Information Discovery: Taking Business Intelligence to the Next Level
Mac Hussey, Oracle
Ballroom B
Refreshment Break
1:45 PM -
5:10 AM
2:00 PM
- 2:45 PM
Quality: It's No Accident
Annette L. Becker, Michell Ward, Mary Wilhelm-Chapin
Utica College
Federal Reserve Room
Experiences of an Inaugural Hybrid Graduate Program Faculty
Ron Knorr, Andrew Grunzke
Mercer University
Alexander Room
A Synthesis of Macro- and Micro-Level Distance Education Standards
Sheryne Southard, Mara Mooney
Clayton State University
Aldrich Room
My Instructor is a Plagiarist!
Cathy Taylor, Park University
Crane Library
To MOOC or not to MOOC?
Larry V. Flegle, Janice M. Flegle
American Public University System
Ballroom A
Improving Support for Distance Students Through Reading Analytics
Rob Reynolds, MBS Direct
Ballroom B
Dolphin Tour
3:45 PM -
5:45 PM
Riverside Dinner & Concert
7:00 PM -
5:10 AM
8:00 AM -
12:00 PM
8:00 AM
- 8:45 AM
Using Faculty-Centered Development to Foster Student-Centered Online Environments
Kari Chancey, Katie Rector
Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology
Federal Reserve Room
Regulating the New Borderlands: Analysis of Cross-Border Higher Education Regulation
Patricia Milner, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Alexander Room
Expectations in Non-traditional eLearning Students
Mary Taylor, Sara Pitts
Savannah College of Art and Design
Aldrich Room
Coach or Cop: Managing Distance Learning Outcomes
Larry Flegle, Jan Flegle
American Public University System
Crane Library
Total Reconstruction: Maximizing Advancement-by-Mastery in an Online Associates Degree
Myk Garn, Sandy Cook
Ballroom A
Pull Yourself Up with Twitter Bootstrap
Robert Wall, University of Central Oklahoma
Ballroom B
9:00 AM
- 9:45 AM
Issues in Faculty Development: A Course Reviewer's Perspective
Radwan Ali, Kennesaw State University
Federal Reserve Room
Making the Technology Pieces Fit: Putting Together the Infrastructure
Matt McGrievy, Lydia Frass, Lillian Smith
University of South Carolina
Alexander Room
Self-Paced eLearning 101: Transforming LMS-Delivered Courses to Self-Paced
Melissa Layne, Holly Henry Cooper
American Public University System
Aldrich Room
Student Engagement and Extra-Curricular Activity in the Online Environment
Michael Shenkle, Liberty University
Crane Library
Graduate Research Training Using the Information Literacy Model
Lauryl A. Lefebvre, Martha C. Yancey
West Virginia University
Ballroom A
123 Catch! I Got YOU
Robert Wall, University of Central Oklahoma
Ballroom B
10:00 AM
- 10:45 AM
Extending Teaching and Enriching Learning Beyond the Classroom
Kristen Baiad, Savannah College of Art and Design
Federal Reserve Room
Virtual Mentoring of Graduate Students
Jack Yensen, Laurie Ware, Susan Welch
University of West Georgia
Alexander Room
Using Peer Review to Initiate Quality Assurance and Evaluation
Debra Robinson, University of West Georgia
Aldrich Room
4 R's of Open Textbooks - Reuse, Redistribute, Revise, Remix
Marie Lasseter, Board of Regents (USG)
Bonnie Robinson, North Georgia College and State University
Sarah Mergel, Dalton State College
Christy Talley Smith, University of West Georgia
Ballroom A
Online Community as an Anxiety Management Mechanism: Perceptions and Implications
Maryann S. Whitaker, John Tyler Community College
Ballroom B
11:00 AM
- 11:45 AM
eLFW 006: License to Teach
Liz Crowell, Camille Kilbourne
University of Central Oklahoma
Federal Reserve Room
Call Me, Maybe: Higher Education
Mara Mooney, Sheryne Southard
Clayton State University
Alexander Room
Maintaining Quality in a Distance Learning Continuing Education Certificate Program Lydia R. Frass, Lillian Smith, Ann Bryson-Eldridge
University of South Carolina Office of Public Health Practice
Aldrich Room
Consistency in Virtual Learning Spaces to Support Teaching and Learning
Shawndra T. Johnson, Agnes Helen Bellel
Alabama State University
Ballroom A
Assessing Language Skills in an Online Course
Louise Fechter, Georgia Southern University
Ballroom B
Closing Keynote Luncheon
Past Keynotes
Past Keynotes
12:00 PM -
1:00 PM